A virtual book discussion group where members come together and talk about books and the reading experience. Authors are also welcome to join and participate in the discussion of their own published books. Readers can find out about new books and interact with authors. Through book discussions the goal is to give readers and authors the ability to engage with each other for a deeper insight into their stories.

We are excited to be able to bring to our community a local book exchange where the public are able to take and return books for free. This is set up in a local café and our first exchange location is:

  • Health St Café, Genesis Centre, 225 Sinnamon Road, Jindalee Qld 4074

We will be co-ordinating meet and greets through the 4074 Books & Beyond Facebook page with authors and members who would like to get together and chat, so please join in if you can.

Please feel free to add members – they don’t have to live locally to 4074 – they just need to enjoy reading and/or be a published (or soon to be) author!

If you would like to join our virtual book club (on Facebook), please do so  here.

Health St Cafe Book Space